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Version: CloudNet v3.4

Players Command

The players command is used to manage all your players on the Cloud. It is useful especially when a player is connected through a different proxy, because you can still manage him!

Permission: cloudnet.command.players
Aliases: players, player, pl


Dieser Befehl kann als Befehl in der Node-Konsole oder als Ingame-Befehl mit dem Präfix /cloud verwendet werden

This is a basic overview about the players command.
Please have a look below for any further information.

COMMAND:  - players online foreach | limit=50 | connect=Lobby-1 | "message=Message to a User" | "kick=You got kicked" | --showName | name=derrop
COMMAND: - players online | --force
COMMAND: - players registered | --force
COMMAND: - players player <name>
COMMAND: - players player <name> delete
COMMAND: - players player <name> kick [reason]
COMMAND: - players player <name> sendMessage <message> ...
COMMAND: - players player <name> connect <server>

players online foreach

Usage: players online foreach

You can use the command players online foreach | <ARGUMENT> to go through all players and execute a certain action with them.
You can add multiple arguments, each must be separated with |

Possible arguments:

  • limit=50 -> Limit the amount of players you are iterating through
  • connect=Lobby-1 -> Send the players to a specific server
  • "message=Message to a User" -> Send a message to the users
  • "kick=You got kicked" -> Kick the players with a specific message
  • --showName -> Print the name of each player in the console
  • name=derrop -> Limit the action(s) to the given player name

You have to include the quotation marks wherever given in the example! This is needed to support whitespaces for sentences.

players online

Usage: players online

This command prints information about all online players.
By default, the amount of output is limited. You can bypass this by adding the argument | --force to the command.


Do not use the --force argument when you have a lot of online players. It could lead to a memory leak!

players registered

Usage: players registered

This command prints information about all registered players. This means every player who ever joined on your CloudNet network.
By default, the amount of output is limited. You can bypass this by adding the argument | --force to the command.


Do not use the --force argument when you have a lot of registered players. It could lead to a memory leak!

players player

Usage: players player <name>

This command prints information about one specific registered player.

players player delete

Usage: players player <name> delete This command deletes the given player from the cloudnet database

players player kick

Usage: players player <name> kick [reason]

This command kicks the player with the given name.
If you leave the reason out, the player is kicked without giving any reason. If the --force argument is provided the player will not only get kicked from the entire network but also removed from all caches. This might be helpful if a player get's disconnected because of You are already connected to this network.

players player sendMessage

Usage: players player <name> sendMessage <message>

This command sends a message to the player with the given name.


You do not need to include quotation marks here, because the message is always the last argument.

players player connect

Usage: players player <name> connect <service>

This command sends the player with the given name to the specified service.