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Version: CloudNet v3.5 🚧

SyncProxy Module

The SyncProxy module manages the Motd, and the tab list header and footer. CloudNet-SyncProxy-Module-Tab-Example.png


The module also has a maintenance mode which prevents users from joining if they are not on the whitelist or do not have the required permission (cloudnet.syncproxy.maintenance).


Due to missing features in BungeeCord, the permission only works in combination with our CloudPerms Module!


The configuration file is located under the following path: modules/CloudNet-SyncProxy/config.json


This is a json array containing a loginConfiguration for each Proxy group (targetGroup).


This is the Proxy group to which the settings will be applied


This is a json array containing the different MOTDs which are randomly selected.


If you want to turn off MOTDs empty the array. This should look like this: "motds": [],


This is a json array containing the different maintenance MOTDs which are randomly selected, if the SyncProxy maintenance is enabled.


If you want to turn off maintenance MOTDs empty the array. This should look like this: "maintenanceMotds": [],


It is a json array of the different animations that are displayed in the tablist one after the other.


If you want to turn off tablist empty the array. This should look like this: "tabListConfigurations": [],


This is a json array containing a tabListConfiguration (header/footer) for each Proxy group (targetGroup)


This is the Proxy group to which the settings will be applied.


This is a json array containing entries for the header & footer.
To create an animation you have to add multiple entries.

Tablist placeholder

%proxy% ---------------------- The name of the proxy the player is connected to
%proxy_uniqueId% ------------- The UUID of the proxy the player is connected to
%server% --------------------- The name of the server the player is connected to
%online_players% ------------- The current amount of online players on the network
%max_players% ---------------- The current amount of max players on the network
%proxy_task_name% ------------ The name of the task of the proxy the player is connected to
%name% ----------------------- The name of the player
%ping% ----------------------- The current ping of the player
%time% ----------------------- The current time - Format: Hour:Minute:Second
%group% ---------------------- The name of the players highest permission group (Only with the CloudPerms module)
%prefix% --------------------- The prefix of the players highest permission group (Only with the CloudPerms module)
%suffix% --------------------- The suffix of the players highest permission group (Only with the CloudPerms module)
%display% -------------------- The display of the players highest permission group (Only with the CloudPerms module)
%color% ---------------------- The color of the players highest permission group (Only with the CloudPerms module)

MOTD placeholder

%proxy% ---------------------- The name of the proxy the MOTD has been sent from
%proxy_uniqueId% ------------- The uniqueId of the proxy the MOTD has been sent from
%task% ----------------------- The name of the task of the proxy the MOTD has been sent from
%node% ----------------------- The node of the proxy the MOTD has been sent from is running on
%online_players% ------------- The current amount of online players on the network
%max_players% ---------------- The current amount of max players on the network

Sample Configuration

The default configuration of the SyncProxy Module looks like this:

"config": {
"loginConfigurations": [
"targetGroup": "Proxy",
"maintenance": true,
"maxPlayers": 100,
"whitelist": [],
"motds": [
"firstLine": " &b&o■ &8┃ &3&lCloudNet &8● &7Earthquake &8&l» &7&ov3.4 &8┃ &b&o■",
"secondLine": " &7Powered by &8● &b& &8▎ &3&l&o%proxy%",
"autoSlot": true,
"autoSlotMaxPlayersDistance": 1,
"playerInfo": [
" ",
"&3&lCloudNet &8● &7your &bfree &7cloudsystem",
"&7Sponsored by &8» &",
"&7Discord &8» &",
" "
"protocolText": null
"maintenanceMotds": [
"firstLine": " &b&o■ &8┃ &3&lCloudNet &8● &7Earthquake &8&l» &7&ov3.4 &8┃ &b&o■",
"secondLine": " &b&lMaintenance &8» &7We are still in &3&lmaintenance",
"autoSlot": true,
"autoSlotMaxPlayersDistance": 1,
"playerInfo": [
" ",
"&3&lCloudNet &8● &7your &bfree &7cloudsystem",
"&7Sponsored by &8» &",
"&7Discord &8» &",
" "
"protocolText": "&8➜ &b§lMaintenance &8&l&o【&c✘&8&l&o】"
"tabListConfigurations": [
"targetGroup": "Proxy",
"entries": [
"header": " \n &b&o■ &8┃ &3&lCloudNet &8● &7Earthquake &8&l» &7&o%online_players%&8/&7&o%max_players% &8┃ &b&o■ &f \n &8► &7Current server &8● &b%server% &8◄ \n ",
"footer": " \n &7Powered by &8&l» & &8▎ &7Discord &8&l» & \n &8&o◣ &7&onext &3&l&ogeneration &7&onetwork &8&o◥ \n"
"animationsPerSecond": 1.0
"messages": {
"player-login-full-server": "&cThe network is currently full. You need extra permissions to enter the network",
"player-login-not-whitelisted": "&cThe network is currently in maintenance!",
"service-start": "&7The service &e%service% &7is &astarting...",
"service-stop": "&7The service &e%service% &7is &cstopping..."
"ingameServiceStartStopMessages": true