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Version: CloudNet v3.3

Permissions Command

The permissions command is used to manage the Permissions Module

Permission: cloudnet.command.permissions
Aliases: permissions, perms


This command can be used as a command in the node console or as a command ingame with the prefix /cloud

This is a basic overview about the permissions command.
Please have a look below for any further information.

COMMAND:  - permissions reload
COMMAND: - permissions create user <name> <password> <potency>
COMMAND: - permissions create group <name> <potency>
COMMAND: - permissions delete user <name>
COMMAND: - permissions delete group <name>
COMMAND: - permissions user <user>
COMMAND: - permissions user <user> rename <name>
COMMAND: - permissions user <user> changePassword <password>
COMMAND: - permissions user <user> check <password>
COMMAND: - permissions user <user> add group <name>
COMMAND: - permissions user <user> add group <name> <time in days | lifetime>
COMMAND: - permissions user <user> add permission <permission>
COMMAND: - permissions user <user> add permission <permission> <potency>
COMMAND: - permissions user <user> add permission <permission> <potency> <targetGroup>
COMMAND: - permissions user <user> add permission <permission> <potency> <time in days | lifetime>
COMMAND: - permissions user <user> add permission <permission> <targetGroup>
COMMAND: - permissions user <user> add permission <permission> <potency> <time in days | lifetime> <targetGroup>
COMMAND: - permissions user <user> remove permission <permission>
COMMAND: - permissions user <user> remove permission <permission> <targetGroup>
COMMAND: - permissions user <user> remove group <group>
COMMAND: - permissions group
COMMAND: - permissions group <group>
COMMAND: - permissions group <group> set sortId <sortId>
COMMAND: - permissions group <group> set display <display> ...
COMMAND: - permissions group <group> set prefix <prefix> ...
COMMAND: - permissions group <group> set suffix <suffix> ...
COMMAND: - permissions group <group> set defaultGroup <defaultGroup>
COMMAND: - permissions group <group> set color <color> | 1.13+
COMMAND: - permissions group <group> add group <name>
COMMAND: - permissions group <group> add permission <permission>
COMMAND: - permissions group <group> add permission <permission> <potency>
COMMAND: - permissions group <group> add permission <permission> <potency> <targetGroup>
COMMAND: - permissions group <group> add permission <permission> <potency> <time in days | lifetime>
COMMAND: - permissions group <group> add permission <permission> <targetGroup>
COMMAND: - permissions group <group> add permission <permission> <potency> <time in days | lifetime> <targetGroup>
COMMAND: - permissions group <group> remove permission <permission>
COMMAND: - permissions group <group> remove permission <permission> <targetGroup>
COMMAND: - permissions group <group> remove group <name>

permissions reload

Usage: permissions reload

This command reloads the permissions config, to apply any manual changes.

User Management Commands

permissions create user

Usage: permissions create user <name> <password> <potency>

This command creates a user for the RestAPI with the given arguments:

  • name - the username
  • password - the password to access the RestAPI
  • potency - the potency of the user

permissions create group

Usage: permissions create group <name> <potency>

This command creates a new permission group with the given arguments:

  • name - the name of the group
  • potency - the potency of the group

permissions user

Usage: permissions user <user>

This command prints information about the user (his groups and additional permissions)

permissions user rename

Usage: permissions user <user> rename <user>

This command renames a user (first argument) to the new name (second argument)

permissions user changePassword

Usage: permissions user <user> changePassword <password>

This command sets a new password for the given user.

permissions user add group

Usage 1: permissions user <user> add group <group>

This command adds the given user to the specified group without any expiration time.

Usage 2: permissions user <user> add group <group> <time in days | lifetime>

This command adds the given user to the specified group for the amount of days set in the last argument.

permissions user add permission

Usage 1: permissions user <user> add permission <permission>

This command grants the given user the specified permission.

Usage 2: permissions user <user> add permission <permission> <potency>

This command grants the given user the specified permission with the set potency.

Usage 3: permissions user <user> add permission <permission> <potency> <targetGroup>

This command grants the given user the specified permission with the set potency, limited to the targetGroup

Usage 4: permissions user <user> add permission <permission> <potency> <time in days | lifetime>

This command grants the given user the specified permission with the set potency for the amount of days set in the last argument.

Usage 5: permissions user <user> add permission <targetGroup>

This command grants the given user the specified permission, limited to the targetGroup

Usage 6: permissions user <user> add permission <potency> <time in days | lifetime> <targetGroup>

This command grants the given user the specified permission with the set potency for the amount of days given in the second last argument, limited to the targetGroup


If you want to explicitly revoke a permission, you have to add it with a negative potency.

permissions user remove permission

Usage 1: permissions user <user> remove permission <permission>

This command removes the granted permission from the given user


This does not work for permissions set for a specific targetGroup!
Please see below for more information.

Usage 2: permissions user <user> remove permission <permission> <targetGroup>

This command removes the granted permission from the given user, which was limited to the specified targetGroup.

permissions user remove group

Usage: permissions user <user> remove group <group>

This command removes the given user from the specified group.

Group Management Commands

permissions group

Usage 1: permissions group

This commands prints all available permission groups, including their names, inherits, sortId and more.

Usage 2: permissions group <group>

This command prints the information explained above for the specified group

permissions group set sortId

Usage: permissions group <group> set sortId <sortId>

This command sets the sortId for the given group.

permissions group set display

Usage: permissions group <group> set display <display>

This command sets the display for the given group.

permissions group set prefix

Usage: permissions group <group> set prefix <prefix>

This command sets the prefix for the given group.

permissions group set suffix

Usage: permissions group <group> set suffix <suffix>

This command sets the suffix for the given group.

permissions group set suffix

Usage: permissions group <group> set defaultGroup <defaultGroup>

This command sets if the given group should be a default group or not.
The argument defaultGroup can either be true (if it should be a default group) or false (if not).

permissions group set color

Usage: permissions group <group> set color <color>

This command sets the color of the given group.

permissions group add group

Usage: permissions group <group> add group <name>

This command adds the group given for the argument name to the group specified in group.
This creates an inheritance, so all permissions of the group name will be available to users in the group group.

permissions group add permission

Usage 1: permissions group <group> add permission <permission>

This command grants the given group the specified permission.

Usage 2: permissions group <group> add permission <permission> <potency>

This command grants the given group the specified permission with the set potency.

Usage 3: permissions group <group> add permission <permission> <potency> <targetGroup>

This command grants the given group the specified permission with the set potency, limited to the targetGroup

Usage 4: permissions group <group> add permission <permission> <potency> <time in days | lifetime>

This command grants the given group the specified permission with the set potency for the amount of days set in the last argument.

Usage 5: permissions group <group> add permission <targetGroup>

This command grants the given group the specified permission, limited to the targetGroup

Usage 6: permissions group <group> add permission <potency> <time in days | lifetime> <targetGroup>

This command grants the given group the specified permission with the set potency for the amount of days given in the second last argument, limited to the targetGroup


If you want to explicitly revoke a permission, you have to add it with a negative potency.

permissions user remove permission

Usage 1: permissions group <group> remove permission <permission>

This command removes the granted permission from the given group


This does not work for permissions set for a specific targetGroup!
Please see below for more information.

Usage 2: permissions group <group> remove permission <permission> <targetGroup>

This command removes the granted permission from the given group, which was limited to the specified targetGroup.

permissions group remove group

Usage: permissions group <group> remove group <group>

This command removes the inheritance of the group group from the group name.