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Version: CloudNet v3.5 🚧

Copy Command

The copy command is used to copy a running service to a specific template.

Permission: cloudnet.command.copy
Aliases: copy, cp


This command can be used as a command in the node console or as a command ingame with the prefix /cloud

This is a basic overview about the copy command.
Please have a look below for any further information.

COMMAND: cp <local service uniqueId | name> [excludes: spigot.jar;logs;plugins] | template=storage:prefix/name


Usage: cp <local service uniqueId | name> [excludes: spigot.jar;logs;plugins] | template=storage:prefix/name

The first argument has to be the name of the service you want to copy (e.g. Lobby-1).
After that, you can exclude files which should not be copied into the template.
At the end, separated with a | you can set a specific template to which the files should be copied.