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Version: CloudNet v3.4

SyncProxy Command

The syncproxy command is used to manage the configuration of the SyncProxy Module.

Permission: cloudnet.command.syncproxy
Aliases: syncproxy, sp


This command can be used as a command in the node console or as a command ingame with the prefix /cloud

This is a basic overview about the syncproxy command.
Please have a look below for any further information.

COMMAND:  - syncproxy reload
COMMAND: - syncproxy list
COMMAND: - syncproxy create entry <targetGroup>
COMMAND: - syncproxy target <targetGroup> maxPlayers <value>
COMMAND: - syncproxy target <targetGroup> maxPlayers <enabled>
COMMAND: - syncproxy target <targetGroup> whitelist
COMMAND: - syncproxy target <targetGroup> whitelist add <name>
COMMAND: - syncproxy target <targetGroup> whitelist remove <name>
COMMAND: - syncproxy target <targetGroup> maintenance <enabled>

syncproxy reload

Usage: synyproxy reload

This command reloads the SyncProxy-Module Configuration and applies any changes.

syncproxy list

Usage: synyproxy list

This command lists all configs for the different proxy groups.

syncproxy create entry

Usage: syncproxy create entry <targetGroup>

This command creates a new entry for the Motd, Tablist, ... of the specified proxy targetGroup in the SyncProxy Configuration.
You do not need to use this command, but it can help you if you are not sure how to do it.

syncproxy target maxPlayers

Usage: syncproxy target <targetGroup> maxPlayers <value>

This command sets the max player count to the given amount for the specified proxy group.

syncproxy target whitelist

Usage: syncproxy target <targetGroup> whitelist

This command prints out the whitelisted people on the specified proxy group.

syncproxy target whitelist add

Usage: syncproxy target <targetGroup> whitelist add <name>

This command adds the given name to the maintenance whitelist of the specified proxy group.

syncproxy target whitelist remove

Usage: syncproxy target <targetGroup> whitelist remove <name>

This command removes the given name from the maintenance whitelist of the specified proxy group.

syncproxy target maintenance

Usage: syncproxy target <targetGroup> maintenance <enabled>

This command enables (true) or disables (false) the maintenance for the specified proxy group.
Possible arguments for enabled are "true" and "false".